So Many Questions…
FAQs ~ Wise Counsel for For Your Fyne Questions
Are those real swords? (aka "Are they real or did you make them?”)
Why not both?
We designed and forged them, and they are functional, exceptionally strong swords.
If you are looking for archeological pieces, you’ll find those in museums and antique dealers.
We sell blades by Badger; Badger Blades.
What do you mean by heat treating?
When talking about how swords are made, proper heat treating is often what distinguishes between a sword and a sword-shaped decoration. After being shaped, whether by grinding or hammering, blades are heated to very high temperatures (the temperatures are determined both by the type of steel and by the desired properties in the finished product) and then cooled rapidly in some form of a quenching medium to harden it. Lower carbon steels were quenched in "fast" mediums like water or brine, whereas higher carbon steels need a slower quench such as heated oil. After being hardened the steel is then heated to a lower temperature and allowed to cool slowly to "relax" the steel and remove potential breaking points where the metal has become too hard.
Some of your blades aren't very renaissance, why do you make them?
Our customers like them. Or we do. Katanas, for instance, represent a style of combat that has continued to be developed even today. Of all the schools of swordsmanship, the Japanese have perhaps most carefully maintained a connection with the traditional use of their ancient weaponry. Katanas are elegant, cutting weapons and are used in a very different fashion than European swords. We make what we like and Badger likes to try new designs when he has the time to make them. If you see an exotic piece you like, get it when you see it. Some designs only get made every few years and some only happen once.
Are your swords better than....
The short answer to that is yes. We believe that for the price we charge, you will not find a better made sword anywhere. There are less expensive swords that are made to look pretty and there are magnificently forged replicas, accurate to the last detail. What Badger Blades strives for is a high quality, extremely durable blade priced such that our customers feel comfortable trying just about any kind of cutting, chopping or random destruction that they can imagine.
What do people do with your swords?
Whatever they want to. The number of innovative, bizarre or even insane uses for our blades has continued to amaze us. At least one professional jousting troupe has made good use of our weapons since 1997, and our blades have been used in stage combat, and various martial art styles from around the word. Our blades have been used to eviscerate washing machines, old stoves, and at least one Subaru. They have also been used to break someone into their car after losing their keys, and even as a carving tool by a kosher butcher at a pig roast (can you stand the irony?).
Will you make me a.......
Sure. If you have an idea for that perfect blade that you must have, we can make it. To have a serious discussion about getting your sword made come armed with a thousand dollars as a deposit (we'll take checks for this), a good idea of what you want made and a good supply of patience. Custom blades are not our primary business and we have to work in custom orders around our production schedule. Check out the custom orders page for more information.
What happens if I'm nowhere near a Renn Faire and I break my sword?
We ship everywhere that the USPS, FedEx, or UPS ship, so you can contact us and we will give you an address to ship the blade, including ALL all the pieces and we'll replace or repair it as it needs. Depending on your country’s laws, it may be best to label the box “Object D’Art” and possibly “Sharp, do not crush”.
What kind of steel does Badger use?
Our swords start as bars of 1095 steel that we buy by the ton from Chicago. The ten part of the number indicates a steel that is relatively close to "pure", containing only a few other elements other than iron and carbon. The 95 denotes the parts per million of carbon in the alloy. Higher carbon contents tend to be somewhat brittle while lower carbon contents tend to be too soft to hold a decent edge. The steel we use is close to the types of steel, both in carbon content and material content to the steels that would have been used during the medieval and renaissance sword making periods. 1095 steel provides an excellent combination of hardness and flexibility when properly heat treated.
Do you make historically accurate replicas?
Not really. Badger's designs are based on the idea of function and durability, combined with his expertise of blades through time, but are they not replicas of any specific sword designs or styles. We make no attempt to make the exact same blades over and over. The designs for the hilts and ricassos are a constantly changing expression of the tastes of our customers and the whims of Badger and his merry band of steel bashers. When we do base a blade on a specific type, we name it as such, even then they are interpretations of those pieces, not recreations. We do not make replicas of copyrighted or trademarked swords from games, film or media.
I saw on TV that…
Thanks to the popularity of blade shows and historic and/or ”historic” shows on television over the last decade, we all have easy access to a lot of information on swords and sword history. Some of it is great. Some of it is utter fabrication. Some of it is somewhere in between.
Feel free to come and discuss it with us at a show! The management encourages friendly argument, but be aware that we're not going to try that hard to change your mind. Also, we can’t focus on entertaining your curious mind when there are paying customers in the shop. Catch us when we're slow and we'll talk all day. Bring us a mug of cider or Guinness towards the end of the day and we'll be happy to argue with you.