Disclaimer: Although we make all of our blades to be fully-functional combat-ready weapons, this does not imply that they should be used offensively. If you end up using one of our pieces to legally defend yourself or your loved ones, we applaud you and would love to hear the story. If you use a Badger Blade in an irresponsible manner, or in any manner at variance with Federal, State, County, Town, or any other applicable Law, we will not be held responsible and refuse to be associated in any way with your dumb ass.
That said, here is our Warranty:
Badger Blades warrants it's weapons against breakage of the blade for the life of the smith. This warranty does not cover guards, pommels, handle wrapping, or ornamentation such as gemstones or gilding. The tang of the blade shall be considered as part of the blade, and so is covered by this warranty.
This warranty shall be considered void if the blade is subjected to temperatures above 300F, or below -100F OR if the blade is subjected to malicious intent, e.g. any attempt to purposely break the blade.
Warranty repair or replacement will be granted when the blade and all of it's parts are shipped back to Badger Blades, and have been inspected by the smith. We will then repair your weapon, or replace your blade with the most similar blade available .